We were super excited to organize cleaning our dirty water! Between the things students were given over the summer, and items that students found in house, they made their plans to clean their dirty water. Next up...make the dirty water!
We thought long and hard about what we should use and what would be safe!
We thought long and hard about what we should use and what would be safe!
We recognized that some of our classmates' suggestions may actually end up at the WWTF. We really wanted to make sure no one got hurt during this investigation, so we were committed to be safe in our homes and ruled out unsafe materials. Then we got to making our dirty water!!!
With our dirty water made, we were off to clean it. The excitement was contagious! There was lots of conversation centered around:
-OMG! This water is sooooo gross. I might vomit at the smell!
-My design failed. The water is still dirty!
-How on earth do they get all the dissolved stuff out?
-These materials are awful. Where can we get better ones?
So much to figure out!
-OMG! This water is sooooo gross. I might vomit at the smell!
-My design failed. The water is still dirty!
-How on earth do they get all the dissolved stuff out?
-These materials are awful. Where can we get better ones?
So much to figure out!