We first ruled out the people who never got heartworm (which meant their cup of "blood" never turned any shade of pink with the indicator). We figured that we could rule these people out because they couldn't possible have the heartworm from the start. We did wonder, however, if these people had heartworm, yet just a small trace of it and our test couldn't pick up the small amount of heartworm in us.
We then focused on the people who had "slight heartworm." We're not really what it means to have a little bit of heartworm, but these people's sample turned a light pink, and not the bright/dark pink like others. We mapped out every person that a mosquito bit them and another person, beginning to rule out who could or couldn't have possibly been the initial one.
We then focused on the dark pink people, and round by round, ruled out who they exchanged with and when. From when they exchanged, and who ended up with heartworm, we were able to narrow it down to four possible "Heartworm Starters." Thank goodness Mrs. Brinza secretly started with it!
From here, we're thinking about returning to our DQB, recognizing that there are some questions about the history of heartworm that may give us more insight into how it was specifically spread in Pooch Province. Check back after winter break!